Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Bad altitude

There is nothing more frustrating for me than being in a confined space with 300 people I don't know but with whom I will be spending the next x hours of my life. Luckily my plane journeys usually only last 4 hours or less, but even on short flights you see it all. Cheap airlines are great for those of us who love travelling and want to save our pennies for more exciting things than airfare. However, as they attempt to make more profit, you find yourself practically sitting on the stranger next to you. I'm exaggerating, I don't actually do that, but personal space is a thing of the past. That's why it's important to show respect when travelling by following the tips below.


5 tips for being a thoughtful plane passenger

1. You may be the most interesting person on the planet, but not everyone wants to hear your conversation. Especially not when you are 3 rows behind and we can still hear you. Every single word. Unless you are telling us all a secret to winning the lottery, keep your voice at a reasonable level.

2. Travelling with young kids is never easy and hats off to parents who do a great job of keeping their kids entertained. I love kids but I certainly don't want your kid climbing over your seat and landing on top of me ( true story). Kids equally need to be taught how to behave safely in an airplane and this should start at a young age.

3. Keep your feet to yourself. I get that people need to take their shoes off on a long haul flight. If you really need to take them off, make sure they are clean, not smelly and the sight of them doesn't make me want to puke. Anyone who doesn't like feet will get this, the rest might think I'm being oversensitive!

4. There's nothing more infuriating than the person behind you kicking your chair constantly, even though it is not on purpose. Tip: sigh loudly each time and they will soon get the message. I do sympathize slightly with this as tall people attempt to cram their legs into the tiny space. It's the one time when being short is a benefit.... Plenty of leg room!

5. When the plane lands, everyone relax. Yes it can be a drag sitting waiting to get off the plane. especially when you're going on holiday and just want to get to your destination as quickly as possible. However, there is no need to bounce out your seat the second we have touched ground, knock the person next to you in the face trying to quickly get your suitcase out of the overhead and then occupying so much aisle space that no one else around you can move. We will all get off the plane, they aren't going to kidnap you if you're last off! The best way to start a holiday or trip is stress free so just sit down, wait until the row in front of you is moving and then prepare to disembark.

Confession: As a child, I probably did bounce about on the plane excited and wanting to explore. As for numbers 4 and 5 I am guilty of having done these before, we probably all have at some stage to some extent, whether conscientiously or not.