Thursday, 30 July 2015

Places I would not go back to in a hurry

I always believe that our impressions of a place are based on how much we make of each particular experience. Those who open their mind to all types of new things will reap the most benefits. If you go travelling and immediately dismiss opportunities, you won't be getting an accurate feel for the place. It often depends on the company too, a particularly bleak place can be made better by good memories with friends.


I'd like to think I always go to a place with a blank canvas, although at times I may have listened to other people's accounts and thought "I hope it's not like that". Yet, in the case of the following cities, I truly have no desire to return and wish I had spent the time elsewhere. Some bloggers believe no travel is a waste, on the other hand I know that we have a limited time and want to hope I will get to see the destinations that leave a lasting impression.

It was easy to pick these simply by looking at my photo files. Anyone who knows me, knows I like to document my travels with a ton of photos. The only exception is when there is not much to see or do. If I get restless in a place within 2 days, the case with all the places mentioned below, then I know it's not for me.

Places I would not go back to in a hurry

Marbella. Only positives about this place are the weather and a quite nice port. Full of pretentious shops, food and people. To be brutally honest, it doesn't even feel like you are in Spain.

The only thing that's not pretentious!

Adelaide. Probably my least favourite of them all! Dull and boring, not much to see at all. Nightlife and friendly people are it's saving grace.

There's only so long you can chill at a park

Nîmes. Although it does have some nice monuments, it didn't really leave any lasting impression on me. Having said that, out of them all, it's the most cultural and if you really twisted my arm and made me pick one, it would be this.


Darwin. I almost feel bad for putting in 2 Australian destinations because I loved so many places in Australia and would go back to them in a heartbeat. On top of that, I had a good time in Darwin but purely based on the company I had ( I'm not only talking about the goon!) but also the nightlife is pretty darn good. I'm glad I went but I wouldn't waste my time or money returning. Many seem to think Kakadu National Park is in Darwin but it's actually 2 hours away. If you take that out the equation, there's nothing that really springs to mind that would make me convince someone to go there.

I'm not a Moaning Myrtle, out of all the places I have been these are the only ones! If you do go to any of them, I hope you thoroughly enjoy your time and let me know what made you enjoy it.

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